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My (Not So) Daily Makeup -- BONUS POST!

I feel bad because I did not get to write as scheduled, so I make a bonus post for you!

Since a lot of you guys have been asking me to write down my daily makeup, I decided to make one post about it.

I do not wear makeup on a daily basis. That is why I never really describe my daily makeup. This post will consist of makeup products that I use on a slightly special occassion, not daily (e.g. fancy dinner, birthday parties, etc.). The reason why I decided to describe my slightly special occassion makeup is because daily, I only put on some moisturiser, sunscreen, lip balm, and liptint. Not interesting.

Okay so there they are, my makeup. I will describe them one by one. But one thing to note, these are my favourite ones, I do have other drugstore foundations, concealers, shadows, blushes, etc., but I only put the favourite ones in this post. I regret that I did not put the Bare Minerals foundation because I forgot about it. I will make a post about types of foundations later so please understand. HEHE

Initially, I wanted to put the pictures in chronological order, but I did not know why I ended putting the eyeliner and concealer in one pic, pardon me :')

Okay so first, I start with NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer, which is the best concealer ever! It stays put the whole day. I use the Medium 2 shade, the Ginger shade, although the staff at Mecca Maxima told me to take the Custard shade. Surprisingly I did not regret my decision. Ginger is perfect. I bought it at Mecca for AUD39 (about Rp 400.000,00).

After concealer, I use powder foundation from Elizabeth Arden (see the picture below):

I use the shade no. 3. The product comes with a puff but I do not really like the finish (looks a bit too cakey), so I always use my powder brush from Real Technique to apply it. I bought the EA powder foundation for AUD55 (Rp 550.000,00).

Here is the pic of the brush (the pink one):

The purple one is the shadow brush. These brushes work beautifully. Highly recommended. Sadly I forgot how much the prices of the brushes were. You can check the price from Real Technique website.

After powder foundation, I use neutral-colored shadows from Urban Decay. It is the BASIC one. I usually just go with the Faint shade (second from the right) for natural look. For a more serious look (for weddings or parties), I usually use three shades, from the Naked 2 to Crave. I bought the shadows for SGD44 (Rp 385.000,00). I bought it at Changi, which is why it was cheaper than the retail price hehe

After shadows, I use the MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil, with the colour 'Engraved'. It works beautifully and it does not smudge even after hours. It stays put up to 9 hours! Again I am sorry, I forgot the price so you can check the price at MAC website.

The liner is in the same picture with the NARS concealer so you might want to check the second picture from the top (sorry, guys)

After shadows and liner, I put on some waterproof mascara. This mascara is hella cheap, I bought it for less than AUD20 (less than Rp 200.000,00) but it works wonderfully. It does not clump and does not smudge. It stays forever! Hehe. Revlon products are highly available everywhere so..another perk!

The last step is blush! I love blushes. They make you look more fresh and healthy (?) because you won't end up looking like a corpse. This blush is the Instain Blush from TheBalm. I believe I bought it for about AUD30 (Rp 300.000,00). This blush is the most natural looking blush I have ever used, despite its shocking (almost neon) colour. I usually apply it with a blush brush from EcoTools (I did not get to take the picture of it but one day I will, and in the mean time you can browse the web for it).

OKAY GUYS so that is all for my not so daily makeup. I hope it can help you out if you are currently looking for highly recommended makeup product! I promise those products will not let you down! They are worth every penny!!

Thank you for reading! Please do tell me about what kind of post you want me to make. It can be anything, like types of cleansers, types of foundations, the best clarifying shampoos, or even my own makeup tutorial. Feel free to tell me what you would like to know! :)

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