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NO MAKEUP Makeup (Products Listed) + Go-Glam voucher winners


You might have noticed that I am not an expert in makeup, thus, I rarely go with makeup tutorials and whatnot. However, I still get a lot of questions on my about my makeup and what products I used in a look.

If I were to name my look I would definitely choose the No Makeup makeup becauseee it is super simple and it (most of the time) look as if I don't use any makeup product.

Here is the example:

For that look I used:

For under eyes.

Brush the powder all over my face. It has a slight glittery effect so it will add an extra glow on your face.

My number 1 go-to mascara because I like my lashes to be modestly curly and not fake-looking lengthy.

I have grown to love coral blush ever since I bought this Canmake blush. It looks pretty and not too much.

Because I used very minimal (almost no) eye makeup, using just Wardah no. 02 can wash out my face so I dabbed Wardah no. 10 on the center of my bottom lips.

As per usual, I don't use eyebrow makeup or eyeliner. Simply because I can't. I was born with bushy eyebrows and as much as I want to look nice, I just don't bother taming my eyebrows with makeup because I am afraid it will look too neat (I know it sounds silly)

I use eyeliner sometimes but it always ends up uneven (one line is blacker than the other) so I often skip eyelining, including in that photo above.

The makeup products I listed above can be found in Sociolla.

And my code is still working if you'd like to get a Rp 50.000,00 discount! Just type SBNLA9QB when checking out.


And for these lovelies, congrats for getting the Go-Glam FREE creambath + hair dry voucher!

Ini murni hasil undian. Yang belum dapat, jangan sedih ya, nanti kalau ada lagi voucher untuk manicure/pedicure pasti aku share lagi!

1. Mutiara Putri Arina

2. Intania Ramadhanie

3. Febry Sari Andini

4. Early Regina

5. Tarra Aulia

Untuk nama-nama di atas, please send me your phone number or LINE ID >> here << I will contact you as soon as possible to send you the voucher! <3 <3

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