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REVIEW Maybelline Tattoo Brow Gel Tint (Dark Brown & Light Brown)


I'm gonna be reviewing the newest brow product from Maybelline, it's the tattoo brow gel tint. I got both shades: Dark Brown and Light Brown.

This product is priced at Rp199.000 each. At first I was unsure about tinting brows. I was thinking that it would look super unnatural and weird. But then I tried it on to see how the tint looks like when it's done, and here's what it looked like:

So how to use it is very easy, you just apply the tint, the texture is like glue. So it feels like applying colored glue. Try to apply as evenly as possible.

Wait for at least 20 minutes, and then peel it off.

This is how it looks like when peeled off:

It looks matte and powdery! It does not look tacky at all and it will really fill your brows naturally.

The above picture is the dark brown, whereas this one below is the light brown when peeled off:

Both look very wearable and fits Asian skin tones.

This is how the finish looked like:

I tried leaving them on without erasing them to see how long they can stay vivid. I left it on but still washing my hands as usual, showering as usual, skincare routine as usual, and they stayed for more than 3 days. 3 and a half to be exact.

So I think for a 199.000 this product is sooooo worth it. It really saves time for you who do your brows daily so wait no more... go try them on! You can buy them at Sociolla and with the code SBNLA9QB you can get a 50.000 discount for every 250k purchase!

Thanks for reading! Until next time!

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